Use of the Centre
Use of the Centre is aligned to booking criteria, target cohorts and their impacting issues.
Target cohort of young people include:
- students and young people who have disengaged from education
- students and young people at risk of disengaging from education
- students and young people with challenging behaviours
- students and young people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
- at-risk students and young people engaged with the Youth Justice system
- at-risk students and young people within the Child Safety Out-of-Home Care system.
Impacting issues on the target cohort of young people include:
- health (particularly mental health including access to specialised support services)
- substance misuse
- youth suicide prevention and postvention responses
- family and domestic violence
- housing and homelessness
- youth justice and support for young people returning from detention
- employment pathways including job readiness
- issues relating to indigenous cultural identity
- resettled refugee students impacted by significant trauma through exposure to civil unrest and war.